
Cannot Resign

When I click the flag to resign, it appears that I am not actually resigning. I just received notification that I have been leaving without resigning but I clicked the flag to resign. Apparently that flag is not allowing me to resign. Is this a known issue or something on my end? It's happening both on my andriod phone and desktop

Your click changes the flag to a confirmation box. You have to click a second time to actually resign. This can be changed in the settings (Game behavior / Confirm resignation and draw offers).
You have to click the flag twice to resign (or you can change your settings: -> Preferences -> Game behavior -> Confirm resignation and draw offers -> no)
@mcgoves said in #2:
> Your click changes the flag to a confirmation box. You have to click a second time to actually resign. This can be changed in the settings (Game behavior / Confirm resignation and draw offers).
When you click the flag, it goes to a orange button with a 'x' beside it. Just like @mcgoves said, you need to click the orange button again to actually resign.

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