
How to disappear?

burn your id card,not your drivers license,you will need that to drive away,once you crossed the border you can also burn your drivers license,dont make any suspicious moves on the road,you might not want to use your credit cards ,i dont know the rest,good luck in your new life
1. Have cash you can live for a few years on. Pay everything with cash.
2. Learn a foreign language and dialect perfectly.
3. Withdraw from all social contacts.
4. Live on the streets (or forest or ...).
5. When nobody would miss you move over a border and seek asylum anonymously claiming you are from 2.

Sounds fun, right?
@Oportunist said in #15:
> You can totally change your personality so nobody cant tell who you are anymore
Ahh that would be perfect for me XD i'm a very good actor lol
@R00KB4 said in #4:
> Crap, I misread the directions. I thought you meant how to remove someone from history.

Be a dictator. Burn everything mentioning X. Write a new history without X.

A bit more difficult with internet but regimes like Russian, Chinese and North Korean are certainly trying.
How to disappear? Disappear from what? Your family? The government? INTERPOL? Every human on earth?

Scenario A: You want to disappear from your family for a month or so, what do you do?
1. Use cash. Credit cards can be traced.
2. Hitchhike, your vehicles' license plates can be traced if your family alerts the police to watch for your plate numbers.
3. Get rid of all social media, especially all apps that know your location.
4. If you take your phone, keep it disconnected from the internet as much as possible
This isn't a very hard scenario to beat.

Scenario B: You want to lay low from *your* country's government for whatever reason.
1. Use cash
2. Hitchhike
3. Get rid of all social media
4. Keep your phone disconnected from the internet as much as possible, better yet, get a burner phone
5. Acquire a fake ID, your cash won't last forever, you'll need temporary job at some point (unless you prefer to hold up gas stations)
6. Cross a border into another nation

Scenario C: INTERPOL is tracking you for being the worst chess player ever because of that one game you played.....
1. Use cash
2. Hitchhike
3. Get rid of all social media
4. Get rid of your phone, from now on only use a computer with a VPN (or two or three)
5. Acquire a fake ID
6. Fake your death, won't fool them for long, worth a shot as long as you don't get cocky
7. Join the French Foreign Legion

Scenario D: There is a 100M bounty on your head and everybody on earth has a poster with your face on it
1. Always wear some head covering, nothing conspicuous.
2. Try to stay away from cities and large groups of people
3. Become a hermit and live alone in a cave on the side of a mountain and go to town twice a year.

Hope this helps!

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