
board coordinates on every single square...

Is here a way to play with board coordinates E4, D4,C5 etc... on every single square?? this well help chess players to improve the understanding, memorizing and remembering the chess board...
You can use the coordinates trainer for remembering the chess board
there's a chrome extension to do that not sure what it's called though
Just a tip for memorizing coordinates is to focus on the 4 most important squares. D4, D5, E4, and E5. Statistically you don't use the edge files and ranks nearly as much as the center squares. When you focus on that rather than doing A1, A2... F7, F8 It becomes much easier to learn.

Once you get that down I would move to the next closest squares C3-C6, D3-D6, E3-E6, F3-F6. Take it one at a time.

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