
Do Gods or invisible entities create things without solutions?

@Oportunist these things do make sense! Understanding the supernatural world is non sense! Belief what you want. I’m done talking about this. Trying to apply logic and reasoning to the supernatural is just illogical and a waste of time.
I don't think ANY game was created by god...each and every single one of them was created by us humans, and fellow dogs.
Bigotry is something you should not endorse. There are people out there who do not believe in God and others who won't consider that possibility. If God or something else did not create life, what did? How do we get in contact with something we have yet to see or meet? A little common sense goes a long way. If you do not provide verifiable proof of your argument, you are merely guessing. At chess has removed the guess work if you know the game well. Other games are intended to keep you guessing like Resistance Avalon.

Please do not overthink the question. The answer is obviously we have yet to find out how it all works.
Well if you posit the existence of God or gods isn't it obvious they would do whatever they chose?
You can calculate both sides of classic chess. Some games have their solution upon resolution. When you announce mate in X or more moves you came to your answer. Why does more than one outcome exist in the first place? Are we all winners for mastering chess or a bunch of nobodies wasting our life on this game? If Google and other masters left us alone with their accomplishments, we would not need to discuss this stuff in the first place. Do what you love, and you might have to accept everything that comes with it.

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