
Was pretty shocked when I read that I might get temporarily banned...

That's shocking for you, not the fact that your opponent is losing and uses all his remaining time not for the game.
@Poldi_der_Drache You get temporarily banned *only*, if your time runs out too frequently. If it happened to you the first time after some 100 games, just ignore the warning.
@Kalfch remaining time was probably less than 20 seconds I dont even remeber but it was very little, there is a difference between letting 60 sec run out in a 3 minute game or 60 in a 30 min game. Even so the game had a 3 sec increment per move so I could have still played on if only a split second remained. It is not fair to threaten someone with a ban just cause you are trying to find a way out of a bad position and take a bit more time.

@sheckley666 it was only after 5 games or so, because I have been inactive for a long time.
I think you are over reacting the threat to ban players is really to stop the immature player that will purposely walk away from the game and let 15 minutes run out if you kept doing that then that is why you will get banned. Just letting time run out because you are losing and don't know what moves to make will not get you banned ever so you could run out of time 100 games in a row and not get banned so I would not worry about this unless you are doing what I said purposely to be a poor sport.
@BOBMILIN you're probably right, I hope. Still gives you a bad impression of the site, especially if it happens to someone new to lichess. Because than he might think do I take my time to think about my move or risk getting banned in which case it might be better to resign.
As long as your not a poor sport you have nothing to worry about if you think you can win the game or just want to finish it out then don't resign and lose the game by the time running out it happens to me all the time in bullet that is how I usually lose its on time not a checkmate.
Maybe their warning system doesn't work so well with slow games? (As in, it doesn't notice real time consumption in slow games vs. trolling?)

In any event, if you're not really abusing the site, then you can safely ignore the warning. Worse comes to worst, a human will be able to look into your games and see that it's not trolling.

I wouldn't scratch lichess off of your options based on only that :P

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