
Today's World Meditation Day! :D

@HailstormChessPlayer said in #1:
> Yeah everybody! Start meditating now!

is it really? What kind of meditating, the one where you stop thinking entirely, or the one where you think intently on one thing?
@Passionate_Player said in #3:
> The stop thinking entirely one.
I hate that one. It's so pointless, you sit on the ground and do literally nothing for basically no benefit.
I just listen music and do nothing if that count as a meditation, i’m doing it now
<Comment deleted by user>
I've been meditating for a long, long time. I've never found my thoughts to disappear for minutes on end. I notice them as they appear and pass by. Like clouds on a blue sky. The clouds become smaller and scattered. But cease for long periods? Not in my experience.

I have learned to be alert to what I would normally not notice, however. Like the hardness of this chair and the cool, smooth touch of the keyboard, and the slight scent of the nearby, sleeping spaniel. I try to accept that. It's easier some times than others. He doesn't bathe every day. But he's a good dog, nevertheless.
The trick is to sleep while meditating (Its quite easy to fall asleep)

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