
Original thinking

I have an original approach to counter the Sicilian defense. I let have black everything they want. Let them have the bishop pair. Let them have the fianchetto dark square bishop.

In this game I had one plan: exclude black's light square bishop from the game. I have not analyzed it with an engine. Yes, my opponent was not that strong. Yes, even I noticed a blunder in my own game, during the game, I wonder if you can spot it ( however this could have been avoided ).

In all the game white looks like collapsing, yet in the end...

Having a plan is a very valuable asset. Even if it is not the best plan, at least gives you something to go for, instead of making random moves.

Interesting game. I appreciate creative and original thinking, in chess and in life.
Your game reminds me a bit of a game of GM Reinderman where somewhat surprising to me he played g2g4 with white in King's Indian just when black was busy pushing all the kingside pawns forward, like e.g. in Korchnoi-Fischer blitz (1970) 0-1
Normally the rule of thumb is "Do not push pawns on the wing where your opponent is attacking".
Also, it reminds me of Lasker, of which people say that he deliberately went for inferior positions to provoke opponents to go for a win, and ending up losing against the sly fox Lasker.
Psychologically speaking it also can be interesting.
Are you playing against a player who likes to play black and defend ? Open with 1.a2a3!? and let black make the game :)
(Many years ago 1.a2a3 has been played, in a dutch chess championship game, possibly Bosboom-Nijboer)
Despite all originality black was better for most of the game.
I do not understand 9 Bxc6. If white wanted to exchange on c6, then that was possible before. So why now and why not before?
The logical follow-up on 8 Nd5 would be 9 Bg5. Once black has played 7...e5 the bishop on b5 can be redeployed to c4 where it enjoys a nice diagonal. Trading off this bishop and also trading off the centralised Nd5 looks wrong.
#2 Carlsen has also played 1 a3 on several occasions.

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