
Why I Stopped Playing The King's Indian

I also found the Bayonet attack a real pain. For club chess in the evenings or weekend chess with multiple games a day. there are more chances for counterplay than one day FIDE chess in my view. I did still win sometimes vs the Bayonet attack e.g.

From a weekend event - Barnet Congress - Bayonet attack

I think for one day FIDE chess against strong opponents >2200, the opening choices become more critical. But for most casual chess either online, or club chess, or weekend chess, the Kings Indian remains a great practical weapon for an interesting fun game.

Cheers, K
For my King's Indian Defense, I play d6 as my first move then Kd7 so I can push my e5 pawn immediately.
"While could definitely enjoy good results with the 5.Nf3 0-0 6.h3... "
Who is while?
Last sunday i played in Germany Classical game about 6 Hours. My Accuration is after analyze by 96% in the Kings Indian defense. This is like GM Gata Kamsky too. Please never give up to play KI.

If you want to know how to play this beautiful defense, so please check my Youtube. This repertoire is for 3000+

Hopely you can get next time a GM Norm.
Good luck