
Forum violations of ToS: Moderation and response time.

Cynosure said in #20:
> Lichess isn't a signatory to the Geneva Convention - it only applies to states and "detaining authorities"
Hmm, you have a good point. From a legal perspective, not sure from an ethical perspective.
(And I don't mean this, as a way to question yours or lichess ethics)

> I'm not sure how reasonable it is to expect the Lichess moderators to have to begin interpreting the Geneva Convention.
I agree, I mentioned something similar in #1.
This is one of the reasons, as to why I made this thread.

>For example, a body of a dead soldier doesn't breach the Geneva Convention, but it'd certainly breach Lichess mod rules.
Look at the picture in #55:
This is the same link I gave in #11, same link also shows faces of PoW.

> Lichess also isn't hosting the image,
Lichess might not be 'hosting' the images, however the images are on this platform.

> As to GDPR, those rights only apply (globally) to EU citizens.
I will have to disagree, my reasons is based on this GDPR's recital:
"The protection afforded by this Regulation should apply to natural persons, whatever their nationality or place of residence, in relation to the processing of their personal data.
Although technically not in itself legally binding, it however, can be used as a legal argument.
Regardless of the legality of the pictures.
Let's put that argument aside for a moment.

Pictures of PoW's are extreme. If not for the viewer, then for the prisoner and his/her family.
Pictures of dead/dying soldiers, civilians, cats and dogs are extreme.

Lichess isn't a news outlet, should these types of extreme pictures be allowed to flourish here?

If so, then where is the line?
>Lichess isn't a news outlet, should these types of extreme pictures be allowed to flourish here?

I certainty, think that links to news sites are acceptable in the off-topic forum. When it comes to embedded images, I think it very much comes down to the individual pictures. There is a big difference between an open casket picture of a burial and a brutal picture from an ongoing battle.

>If so, then where is the line?
Not an easy question. If there was a definitive answer to that, I would hope someone would tell me :P I will say that either of the two extremes, removing all pictures of Russia's invasion, or leaving all the picture's (regardless of gore/shock factor), you would find me somewhere in the middle of the two. And if you find yourself somewhere in the middle, it's hard to avoid things being subjective.
I always like the moment when a moderator clears off endless, long doubts.
Why are we really like talking and fighting about this.......nothing is changing
@usaplayer2019 said in #25:
> Why are we really like talking and fighting about this.......nothing is changin

Not true, everything is changing. Constantly. Now, for instance, we are seeing a new world order unfolding before our own very eyes. That is, if you have "eyes to see, and ears to hear"...; )
yeah @chesseater78 said in #26:
> Not true, everything is changing. Constantly. Now, for instance, we are seeing a new world order unfolding before our own very eyes. That is, if you have "eyes to see, and ears to hear"...; )

yeah i guess so

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