
Funny thing - user asked for help, but got IP-ban, and his topic closed by aggressive mod

Please take a look:

Instead of giving proofs (links to "cheat" games) moderator closed topic, and IP-ban both accounts - "cheater's" and his friend's who was defending him.

Hellball, is it good to close such topics? Close accounts?

If he really cheated - that would be easy to prove.
But looks like you are not confident about that. You just cover tracks.

I thought moderators are here to help people.

Player Ambasador asked for help to afficial Lichess Moderator - FireBreathingDragon - and he gave a promise to check this out.

07.09 at 10:45 AM
we are reviewing your friend's case.

So what are results of that reviewing?

And about discussing such cases in public - it was the only way to defend justice.
Because never answer - that is a dead zone. So what else he could do, other than post in forum?

Yeah, ban me too, just shut down all who disagree.
But don't forget - that will be a way to a dead end...
Probably your friend really cheated. But of course that must be proven, if ones not agree. There should be a register of cheaters games in case of appellation.
And yes, I hate it too when accounts are just get closed to the left and to the right. You better leave that users chance to explain their arguments - don't take away their right to counsel.
Oh for fuck's sake. BOTH of these accounts are the same guy (Kapsarov), as were the ones in the previous topic.

As I said we looked at it, decided it's right. Now please stop going to VPNs around the world. You have made at least 300+ accounts now when we specifically ordered you to stop. Sort yourself out.

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