
Does Lichess have a solitaire chess training mode?

I was listening to Ben Johnson's Perpetual Chess podcast - episode 295:

Then I'm pretty sure during his discussion he said he thought that Lichess had some way of doing solitaire chess. Solitaire chess is an old way of taking a game and covering up the move list and then writing down the best move or the player's move. I assume if it is available it would be a part of creating a study. I can't seem to find it or figure it out. Is it available?

"16:00- GM Kaidanov discusses the underrated utility of “solitaire chess” as a training method, and he shares advice on how to approach it.

Mentioned: GM Bent Larsen, Episode 291 with GM Alex Fishbein"
I think this may be trivially the Analysis function. Here you can analyse any game, and explore multiple lines. however you cannot save it in the app; you can only copy the PGN and save (paste) it in another place (text editor or app (e.g. I find Droidfish excellent on this purpose)) and possibly reload it on Lichess.
It sounds like the "Replay Training" function in Chessbase software.

I haven't seen anything like that on here.
The podcaster may be confusing solitaire with Learn From Your Mistakes, which hides the best move and prompts the player to find it. But LFYM can't be turned on at an arbitrary position, as far as I know.

I would consider just covering the move list with a Post-It note, or dragging it offscreen.
I did two things. I used the form on the Perpetual Chess Podcast website to ask Ben Johnson what he was thinking. It seems that he should know. I will say what his reply is if he replies.
And I figured out a way to do it using the Study feature in a few steps:
1. import the game you want to practice into a chess study.
2. Adjust the color so you are playing the winning side (or the side you desire to play) - this is optional.
3. Pick where in the game you want to start. 4. click the button for the settings -this hides the move list. (This achieves what @mcgoves said in #4, "I would consider just covering the move list with a Post-It note, or dragging it offscreen." without spending money for post-it notes)
You can still click the controls and make moves, you just can't see them because they are covered by the settings.
5. write down or make a move. If the move doesn't match the game the right arrow button for moving through the game becomes greyed out. It seems to work on my studies and other people's studies.
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Ben Johnson got back to me very rapidly. His reply contained links to a lot of stuff, previous discussions and example studies on Lichess; I tried to just paste it here but the links made it too weird so I deleted that comment. There are numerous features that seem to accomplish this in the various boards and study modes, but I haven't quite got it figured out yet. There is, on my screen at least a round circle right next to the book icon under the text of a game in study mode that turns on "practice with computer" mode and has an optional get hint that will then display. This allows you to make a move on the board that matches the text but doesn't really hide the text, which makes me think there is a problem with one of my other settings. He did provide me with a link to which seems to explain a lot of features that I've yet to explore and has a link to a YouTube video in the discussion. Also, if I have a study (it has to be my study) I can change the orientation and there is an option to "Hide Next Moves" but it still displays them greyed out, but perfectly visible. I assume I am missing something. Perhaps I should get some post-it notes to cover part of my screen but that seems wrong to me somehow.
@sapolion said in #7:
> Also, if I have a study (it has to be my study) I can change the orientation and there is an option to "Hide Next Moves" but it still displays them greyed out, but perfectly visible. I assume I am missing something.

There is an open defect from 2020 in the gitgub issue tracker: "hide next moves" chapter sometimes shows the moves in study

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