
Military expressions.

Why are there so many military expressions in every day life?..Major catastrophe..Corporal punishment...Private news...Marshall law...
REMF, caught a lot of flak,boots on the ground,got your six, nuclear option.
Guess a lot of vets transition to civilian life and carry the phrases they learned in the military with them. If you think about it that's millions of men and women over the years.
That's all I have right now. Besides I have to hit the head.
After reading "Military expressions" the first thing which comes to my mind is war cries.
@HiramHolliday said in #1:
> Major catastrophe
Ain't all catastrophies major?

> Corporal punishment
This is too petty.

> Private news
I has a Caesars salad for lunch. If I knew how to use Imgur, I would have shared a picture for you all.
I plan to eat a chicken curry rice tonight.

> Marshall law
He was awesome in Tekken.
Nah,I'm housebroken. I hardly ever pee on the rug.

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