
I won against a titled player

i know to some of you this is BS but to me its everything this is my first time i now know how Rosen felt winning against Magnus

Not sure who would fault you for feeling good about it, you should! Nice one.

The position wasn't as lost for white as she thought though.
Grats! I think everybody remembers their first titled victory. Mine was WGM Evbad on ICC. She immediately rematched, but there was no time for that. I was running around cheering!
I wish I actually read the word, "Titled," the way is should be said. I always read it as, "Tilted." Literally, every time I see the word I think, "tilted," not "Titled."
How does a titled (tilted) player have a rating of 1500 in both blitz and bullet? Look at the profile of @orlovachess

EDIT: hahaha oh man she does indeed say she sucks at speed chess (see comment #8), my bad :D
Because some people suck at speed chess (and she even says so on her profile haha)
He ran out of time because he had to go to the bathroom. It happens, I beat a GM that way. Sorry bro.

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