
Do you do martial arts?

I do thai boxing and boing. It's weird, given I'm a girl. But it helps :)
I actually used to do karate class when I was five. I broke a piece of wood :D
@daenaera said in #31:
> I do thai boxing and boing. It's weird, given I'm a girl. But it helps :)

I'm an adult woman and I do taekwondo. There are a few teenage girls in the class and one middle aged woman as well. So I wouldn't say it's at all weird!
I'd recommend jeet kune do to anyone specifically picking up martial arts for self-defense...

Within a short span you'll learn the most effective (and usually sport-illegal) and easiest to execute defensive techniques.

It focuses on practicality and real self defense and tends to fight dirty - but this is great if you are focused on self defense, and teaches techniques specifically focused on defending yourself from a larger, faster, and stronger opponent.

Many other systems take much more practice to effectively use in a self-defense situation.
I've studied bjj, boxing, karate and kill moves over the past 30 years. In a life or death situation, it's vital to know how to end a life fast with your hands because in this world the way it is you never know when you'll be in a situation you never expected. Breaking necks, ripping eyes out, pressure point knock-outs and ear throat end moves are critical in ending something fast if you attacked from out of nowhere, and it's life or death. Not talking about stupid situations where 1 moron bumps into another at a bar or some agrument over a girl etc... Note this is why the deadliest martial arts 1. Don't advertise ever, 2. Remain over the centuries attractive, meaning people seek out the arts to defend themselves, such as Monks who were attacked by multiple attackers and learned to prevail or BJJ learning to defend against a much larger opponent. I work physical labor constantly and having farmer strength is a giant advantage in any human to human battle regardless of skill level. In the end all war, all battles have a cost and I love Chess and The art of war which has saved my life 10 times over the years because if I can win ((disarm)) the situation without ever throwing a punch or getting into a fight then I win with my mind and imagination and avoid the cost of that battle which is priceless. Knowing what I know, I would fear anyone who had serious study on deadly martial arts. Not because I'm the best, but hand-to-hand combat can end anothers life, and it's serious. Anyways great thread remember people have friends that could jump in, knifes, guns, bats and who knows what. Always best if you can to avoid any battle and return back to the simple and good life everyone be safe out there and be happy! You just never know who you are looking up if you don't know them looks can be very deceiving.
@Tomorrow_Never_Knows said in #34:
> I'm an adult woman and I do taekwondo. There are a few teenage girls in the class and one middle aged woman as well. So I wouldn't say it's at all weird!

That's really cool and adorable. I used to practice taekwondo at school, I occasionally continued to do martial arts when I grew up. :) And I'm not feeling lonely and odd now, thanks to you. I believe that martial arts also influences your chess game style – at least I'm trying to find a solution till the end. :) Hugs!

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