
Problem 28226

Hello lichess :p

in problem 28226 i tried 1...Qf1! which seems totally winning (unstoppable mate).

Shouldn't this move be considered as an alt since even stockfish in level max get mated in a very similar way than in the problem ? (the solution is 1...Qf2 and i am not sure to see the subtle difference between both moves)

Qf1 is just longer and potentially more problematic as it lets the knight on e2 move around. The puzzle should probably be disabled though.
#1 please play your solution vs AI 8, so we see if it works.
"Qf1 is just longer and potentially more problematic"

No, it's simple mate in 6 instead of 5 in the problem. The problem should accord a good move try again cause it's a win in only one more move.

"#1 please play your solution vs AI 8, so we see if it works."
It works, i did it. Here is the line vs Al 8 :

26...Qf1 27.Qxe6+ Kxe6 28.f5+ Kd7 (not 28...Kxf5 ?? the only difference) 29.d4 c4 30.e6+ Ke8 31.a5 Qe1#
As you see the principle is exactly the same as in the problem.

Houdini 3 pro find nothing more...

For improving lichess i do not see any reason to not according a "Good move but there is better" is this case :o

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