
What is Your Favorite Opening

TheScotts, I didn't violate Lichess' terms of service, they banned me for no reason. It's ok if you don't believe me. Please stop posting things like in the forum posts I make. They're supposed to be for fun.
White - Reti opening and Gioucoo Piano
Black -
Against e4- caro - kann and e5]
Against d4 - King's Indian
Against c4 - c5
Against nf3 - Nf6
French and Slav defense as black.
I like the English Opening as white.
@ IedrisCarlsen2011
checked your history and know you surely need a perma ban. You spam random forums and ask for followers which directly violated Lichess's terms of service. I have reported you now. I wish they ban you for good now. If you have any shame then delete this account.
Hey, is it against the Lichess Terms of Service, if I advertise tournaments in the forum?
My favorite opening as White is The Ruy Lopez. My favorite defense as Black is The Caro-Kann.

I am still learning stuff about these openings. I hope to learn them as thoroughly as possible.

I should point out that one of the easiest defenses to play against (for me) is Philidor's Defense. It is slightly flawed. I can often win against it. However, I have lost against it on occasion (maybe I became overconfident and reckless) and I have had my share of draws...
In no particular order:
Queens Indian defence.

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