
Uncontrollably dropping rating

I'm uncontrollably dropping rating. I'm getting more and more frustrated. I'm getting sick of chess. I feel like I don't deserve chess. What should I do?

I can't even improve - it's impossible.

What do I do? My frustration is only getting worse.
It could be many things. playing too much blongcloud might lead to rating drop. Inhaling too much or too little bongcloud may increase frustration
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@MrBongcloud I see in some of your games when you lose a piece, you just resign. Even if you lose a piece, you should continue to play on! I always am recommending doing tactics and analyzing your games
@MrBongcloud just anounce to close your account and come back as someone new :P I am sure it resolves the issue :D
(it's an inside joke)

btw there is no such thing as impossible improvement
Tbh it might sound stupid but i was stuck on my old account at 1250 rapid, then I made this one and in like 2-3 months i have gone to 1700 rating. Idk it might help, it sure helped me but idk if there is any merit to it
Good luck with your chess journey and take care
I would be easily 1800-2000 if I didn't blunder away a win through a single move almost every game. I play really well up to a certain point, and then I straight-up embarrass myself.

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