
What Are the Best Fruits for a Chess Player?

Obviously it has to be a fruit that is good for the mind. How fast does it react on the body? What's the quantity for the day?

I think the number one is Blueberries.
Dates, because what chess players need the most after something good for the mind is something good for the crush.

Jokes aside, I seriously think it's dates, because they have many benefits.
Yes sure, Blueberries come top on the list. They are high in antioxidants and have been shown to improve cognitive function, including memory and decision-making. I also love bananas because they are rich in potassium and vitamin B6, bananas can help improve brain function and reduce stress levels. I am not sure what quantities are required actually to attribute the improvement to them.

But I guess if you eat nutritious foods consistently, you will notice an improvement in your health.
Yes, it's been said Bananas reduces stress levels and improves mood and reduce anxiety !!
Seems like a Banana should be the top choice for chess players.
The Bananas are a better source of magnesium, than blueberries or dates.
Magnesium is a mineral that helps facilitate the electrical activity between nerve cells in the brain.,electrical%20activity,-between%20the%20nerve
Dragon Sicilian, Kings Indian and Benoni players should eat sharp fruits like pineapple, Durians or chom choms.

Caro-Kahn players need to eat eggplant, bananas, grapes or melon. Really any kind of quiet fruit will do.

When I'm about to play in a tournament I expect to win, I might eat Starfruit, or Golden Apples.

There are important caveats though : If you expect to play a Polish Opening, Grob, or Englund Gambit, don't eat fruit at all, Eat Junk Food.

And if you're going to play the Fried Liver Attack, make sure you load up on Protein !

Note of Warning : 4 weeks ago I began participating in the Control Group run by Professor Van Nostran, as part of his study on the correlation between diet and chess results. I have eaten no fruit since Sunday, March 5th. My chess results on Lichess have since become abysmal....quite literally "fruitless". I've only managed to gain 2 draws and 5 losses, with no wins. I'm allowed to eat fruit again starting tomorrow, so I hope my results will pick up again.
I don't know whats best but lemon is the worst.

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