
Why this message came to me by Lichess?

"In your game history, you have several games where the opponent clearly has intentionally lost against you. Attempts to artificially manipulate your own or someone else's rating are unacceptable.

If this behaviour continues to happen, your account will be restricted."

Got this message from Lichess, what does this mean? I didn't done anything wrong. If anything wrong happened unintentionally by me please let me know that which games you are talking about.
@seamate This might be referring to games where you had the same opponent resign quickly, more than once. If you are not playing on another account to artifically gain rating points, then check your game history and see if you had an opponent who played several times with you and resigned really quickly. If you find one, block that person and don't challenge them to games. If they are a student or friend of yours who tends to resign quickly, play casual with them instead. If this happens in a tournament (where a block will nto stop you from being paired with a potential sandbagger) just report them.
All the best
@Lichess @kertandidi , will you pls find me those games for me, games which are suspected by Lichess.
I checked my last few rated games but I didn't find anything wrong.
@seamate That's what I thought. Many people have had this happen to them ufnorftunately. Your ratings are great as is :)
@kertandidi I have earned those ratings by playing and practice continually upto 14 - 15 hours in a day.. how @lichess is suspecting me... Lichess must share those games link.
same.........but people purposely resign on mean i dont like that even that even if I win. I mean likeeee.........
other peeps get happy but why dont I???
@seamate I think lichess is talking about the games you had with (@)petro1eum (not gonna ping), you’ve won all games against him/her. But as long as you’re not using 2 accounts to manipulate rating then you will be all good.
Ignore that message. It's nothing - just a message from Lichess expressing their suspicion of you attempting to artificially manipulate your own or someone else's rating and they won't do anything to your account unless their doubts are proven to be true.

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