
Can't view tournament page of a tournament you're in during game?

You used to be able to view the main tournament page and see standings, other games, etc. Now the browser forces any additional tabs to just autojoin your current game?
That's peculiar, it works for me. Anyone else having - or not - this problem?
I would suggest turn all your chrome settings back to default. You may have malware fucking with you. Maybe your browser has been updated? I'm on an out of date chrome browser for windows xp because they dropped support a few months ago. Even with the outdated browser, lichess is the only chess site that actually works efficiently enough for me. I'm on a 1.5/download meaning it's like 189 kbs or Kbs w.e... If turning chrome back to default settings works then you should probably stop going to w.e. porn site you been going to.
#2. Yes, it's automatically redirecting to the game.
#5. I'm surprised you didn't mention re-installing OS or buying a new computer.
Porn sites, seriously? Please, refrain from any advice on topics you have no clue about, the guy sitting on Win Xp and an old browser, fml...
I'm surprised you're not using Spybot Anti-Beacon. @6. Some people prefer privacy. Or are you that innocent yourself?

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