
My second attempt at a Queen's Gambit Opening

Just curious on how you guys will pick apart this game:

I have created a study about this game:

My main mistake is #22 Ne4?
Without really analysing in depth, anyone can see White is well on top out of the opening. It's move 30 (!!) before black develops his light-square bishop!

I don't like 22 Ne4 on principle, namely that the knight is moving backwards with no need. But it certainly isn't losing.

31 Qd4 is weak: black WANTS to move his rook to d8 and all you achieve here is letting Rd8 hit with tempo.

White is doing OK, losing a bit but OK, then you missed 35) Qd4+ which would have left it fairly even but I'd prefer white due to black's doubled pawns.

Black is leading thereafter, but all is not lost because both players capable of blunders. Unfortunately, the last blunder is from white:

39) Re3??

You HAD to play QxQ to survive here, it's an "only" move. After that, it's all over.

Like all < 1400 games, it comes down to blunders and missed tactics. Fortunately, you can improve that by playing, playing, playing and playing.
Thanks, MajorGiggles.

Yeah, 22: Ne4 was my downfall because after that Black had all the counter-play.

I stupidly tried to protect my bishop on move 39) Re3??

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