
Overrated opening trap puzzle

hmm somebody solving this puzzle 2135 rated now 2139
Not sure what you're saying? The puzzle solution is correct, and I think it's not that easy.
I agree with @Cohomology12 Qh5 is not good at all in fact black loses not only tempo but all the advantage of being up material
I think the puzzle is correct and correctly rated
Your way of mating only works if white plays like you anticipate but i dont see that happening
@n00b43t3rn1ty Bd6 g3 Qh5 good move ( engine says best move,Qh5 , 0-0-0?! dubious move )
because Qh5 is big threat
Bf3 , Qh3 ( maybe Ng4 )
i still dont get your problem with it yes qh5 is a threat if g3 is played by white and lets say it will be played by white in the end you get the same trade of where black is up a bishop cause white is able to prevent the threat by sacrificing its bishop either way the only difference between your variation and the puzzle one is that the positioning is a bit different and different bishop colors are kept/sacrificed depending on the variation but most importantly your variation suggest that white will go for g3 instead of f4 which either way will only end in being up a bishop so i dont see your point ive really tried the only thing you can say in your variation black is better but than again its only cause white wouldnt be playing the best move to prevent it that is f4 even g3 played result +1 piece for black if needed screenshots or moves can be provided to see what im saying

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