
Happy New Year 2024

Hello guys!
It's New Year time here in Johannesburg!
I am celebrating with others at hotel.
Hope this Year be better for you as a person.
Cheers, love and peace!
You beat me to it. I was about to start the same sort of thread.

Happy New Year.

May Oumuamua never collide with Earth.

May all dogs find and keep good homes.

May fewer people passionately believe propaganda disguised as news or teaching.

May all people value truth more than getting their own way.

May all people learn that we have individual agency and can usually change our own lives for the better, no matter what may have happened in the past.

May people tip well and be especially polite to those who work in the service industries.

May people not give themselves excuses to do evil.

May The Queen's Gambit (the video series, not the actual chess opening) get a sequel or otherwise be extended.

May people listen to more jazz.

May politics invade less of our lives.

May young people think less about career and more about family.

May the world help make that easier for young people to do. For example, may colleges build fewer climbing walls and less elaborate bureaucracy so as to help keep tuition from constantly and wildly outpacing inflation. May employers provide daycare or at least make it available reasonably.

May no athletes get seriously injured.

May all pilots get lucky. With each person to define his or her own measure of good fortune.

May Lichess long endure.
Happy New Year to everyone!
(I guess every place on Earth has crossed 2023 by now)

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