
Why do people decline takebacks?

Well, I accept takebacks most of the time. Many times, I lose after that, but who cares? The only thing I lose is my rating which I don't care about. But, one thing is sure, it makes my opponent happy so, let it be that way, haha.
One move for somebody's happiness. ;_)
My rule is simple : I never accept tackbacks in rated games , but I accept takebacks in casual games .... Plus I never ask for takebacks even when I misclicked ....
I have takebacks turned off by default. I find them very distracting.

In some situations I offer a draw if the opponent makes a very obvious mouseslip.
I agree with everyone else. Personally, what I found when I had takebacks turned on was, if I accepted or proposed a takeback, a win didn't feel like a real win and a loss didn't feel like a real loss. I would just brood over what could've happened differently if I'd turned the takeback down.

I get that it's sort of my problem, then, but I've enjoyed games much more since turning it off. Sometimes I make a mouseslip but I think it's just part of the game with online chess.
I think any reasonable person should accept takebacks for obvious mouseslips (example: accidentally moving the king one square instead of castling). It's just something that happens in online chess, and the game is cheapened for both sides if you win/lose because of a mouseslip.

For non-mouseslips, I only accept them if I'm feeling particularly generous, or if I'm so far ahead that it doesn't matter. No one is under any obligation to accept a take back for a bad move, imo.
I play on mobile often and misclicks happen often enough that I will be generous if the move appears to be. The castling example up post is common and so it advancing the pawn one rather then 2 squares on occasion.

I have been burned before when you allow the takeback and they move a different piece. Those are just jerks.
I don't accept/request takebacks on rated games, just accept mistakes as part of chess.
Takebacks are ok on casual games but rarely I wouldn't accept more than one or two per game.
Unless it's a casual game, I treat the online board like any tournament otb game.
What strikes me as comical is a 2000+ player asking for a takeback just because he hung a piece. If takeback were changed so that a guy receiving a takeback is FORCED to give his opponent one then I'll never give takebacks. It's unjust that if you give a takeback your opponent is not required to give you one. Frankly, I think it's a stupid feature of Lichess but every chess site has some weird "feature".

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