
Lichess should remove pride flags

@i-bex you're super wrong with equalizing usernames and profile content in the first place. Just because there are some rules for usernames (whether these make sense or not is a different story), doesn't mean they extend to profiles. There's no problem with someone writing "I'm a trans lesbian" in their profile.

There's nothing wrong about the flag itself so there's no base to request its removal, period.

Be glad that Lichess is not as ignoble as FIFA.
@Cedur216 said in #11:
> you're super wrong with equalizing usernames and profile content

That's a fair point but:
- You don't need to visit a profile to see it. It's right there when you hover over the name.
- While I cannot see specific guidelines for profiles I very much doubt it's a lawless wasteland where you can put anything. I expect profile to fall under the same type of guidelines. Should we test that?
@i-bex said in #12:
> That's a fair point but:
> - You don't need to visit a profile to see it. It's right there when you hover over the name.

That's only the flag. And all that shows up is "Rainbow". So what?

> - While I cannot see specific guidelines for profiles I very much doubt it's a lawless wasteland where you can put anything. I expect profile to fall under the same type of guidelines. Should we test that?

You definitely can't put expressions of hate there. See the "inappropriate communications" section and ("Other"). The "inappropriate usernames" guideline is stricter by saying "any name that generates negative reactions can be closed"
@Cedur216 said in #13:
> That's only the flag. And all that shows up is "Rainbow". So what?
Rainbow doesn't necessarily mean lgbt pride
@Cedur216 said in #13:
> That's only the flag. And all that shows up is "Rainbow". So what?

We just circled back to the original post, didn't we? Straight_Pride was banned because it was inappropriate. By the same logic Gay Pride is inappropriate. You can't have it both ways.
These are NAMES, not flags. Both accounts are closed. You don't know the backstory of Gay_Pride.

> By the same logic Gay_Pride is inappropriate

Not necessarily, and not up to you to judge. I don't see how Gay_Pride is legitly annoying to people. "Straight_Pride" might sound provocative and derisive of LGBTQ in some people's heads, though I don't really think so either. I'm also among the "many people" that disagree with the closing of Straight_Pride. I don't like how long-existing accounts are suddenly terminated and they can't defend and change their name to prevent it.

Stop intermixing the topic of usernames and other stuff. Of course you're circling back if you don't listen.
@Cedur216 As I said originally "what is the difference between a username stating sexuality [or a support for another person's sexuality] and a flag expressing it right next to the username?"

I'm circling back because you didn't give a satisfactory answer. It IS the same.

> You don't know the backstory of Gay_Pride.

I wasn't talking about Gay_Pride directly (notice the lack of low dash) but gay pride in general (my bad for capitalizing).

If I understand you correctly you think usernames have to adhere to a standard (no mention of sexuality) different than a flag attached to username. So you would have no problem adding other 7000 sexuality flags along with superstraight and similar flags? I doubt it. Suddenly it would be offensive.

But my point is not whether the LGBT flag is offensive in the first place. I just don't want any sexuality being flaunted in here.
@i-bex said in #17:
> If I understand you correctly you think usernames have to adhere to a standard (no mention of sexuality) different than a flag attached to username. So you would have no problem adding other 7000 sexuality flags along with superstraight and similar flags? I doubt it. Suddenly it would be offensive.
> But my point is not whether the LGBT flag is offensive in the first place. I just don't want any sexuality being flaunted in here.

Why add these flags? It didn't stop at the lgbt flag, there is a transgender flag. How many flags are there gonna be? Let's add the blm movement flag, the pacifist flag, the nato flag, the radical feminist flag and over 50 lgbt flags and many others. We need more flags!!! To take things to the point of absurdity and turn the site into an encyclopedia of flags.

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