
Feature Request - 4 Player Variant?

I've seen a 4 player variant on an ordinary 8x8 board, where each player has 4 pawns, 1 knight, 1 bishop, and 1 rook.

Something like this:

With the pawns each headed toward a different side of the board.

In this variant, kings are captured, not checkmated. When a king is captured, a player is eliminated, and that player's pieces can no longer move (they're just obstacles that can be captured basically). Pawns that reach their end rank promote into rooks.

It would be very cool to get support for this as a variant on Lichess. It'd make it easier for me to get some of my friends into chess for sure. People like party games!

Thanks for considering.
Unfortunately, I don't believe lichess is planning on adding new variants. If you want to play with friends, on's four player chess server, I think you could create such a game and invite your friends. some people on chesscom 4 player chess actually play a game similar to
@CalebBrown104 Yes I've seen this. My main problem with it is that (1) It's 4 FULL chess armies and looks far too lengthy and intimidating for someone new to chess and (2) you need to setup an account to join the game. One of my favorite things about Lichess is that they allow guests to play. This is a very friendly feature for new chess players and helps the game grow.
on chesscoms 4 Player Chess server, they have regular 4 Player Chess and 4 Player Chess variants. The 4 Player Chess variants are things such as rule changes and board and piece set ups. One of the 4 Player Chess variants is similar to yours. It has your setup, if I recall correctly, with the bishop and knight switched, with promotion of a rook. It is a points based game, and atime control of fifteen seconds. The reason I mention it is because it's similar to your idea, or you could probably create your idea and then invite your friends. Unfortunately, yes, I do believe Chess coms variants need an account. Please tell me if something I said doesn't make sense, or needs clarified.
@CalebBrown104 Oh I did not know that on chesscom there were 4 player variants except the basic one! I'll check that out. Thank you!

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