
Just asking, what openings do you know and usually play?

I know all typical openings. And I know that people will dislike this answer, because they cannot live with the fact that somebody actually really studied 300 openings, but I did.

I like to play the Italian and the Russian defense and the Smith Morra Gambit.
I studied a lot of stuff and now I'm extremely comfortable playing the french for Black and King's gambit as well as morra. But I do like to mix stuff up
I just move a pawn, get the pieces out and hope for the best.
I usually plays chess960 these days, but when I played classical chess:

White: Ruy Lopez, or something against the Sicilian or Caro Kann usually.

Black: Pretty much always 1.c6 2.d5 which usually is the Caro Kann against e4 and the Slav Defense against d4.
Hey fellow chess enthusiasts!

I stumbled upon this intriguing discussion and couldn't resist joining in. As an avid chess player, I find opening choices to be a fascinating aspect of the game. It's like exploring a vast labyrinth of possibilities right from the very first move!

Personally, I'm familiar with a range of openings, but I tend to gravitate towards the classical Ruy Lopez and the dynamic Sicilian Defense. Both offer unique strategic and tactical challenges, keeping the game fresh and exciting.

By the way, while we're on the topic of chess, I recently discovered an incredible resource that has enhanced my understanding of the game tremendously. If you're looking for some valuable chess tips to sharpen your skills, I highly recommend checking out this link: []. It's been an absolute game-changer for me, and I'm sure you'll find it beneficial too!

Let's keep this discussion going and continue sharing our favorite openings and strategies. Chess is all about learning and evolving, and I believe together we can elevate our game to new heights!

Happy playing and may your moves be as sharp as a grandmaster's!
i m really bad in openings. as white i play the london system and as black e4-e5 or d4-kings indian
Scotch as white, no advantage if black plays correctly but surprising how many don't

French as black, used to play Sicilian but seemed to be losing more often than not

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