
40 moves worth of puzzles

Add up the moves it took to solve all the puzzles you did today and discover if you're ready to play a slow serious game of chess.

Imagine a marathon runner that cannot do the distance to finish the marathon. Well I think if we cannot solve a total of 40 moves worth of puzzles, we are most likely not truly ready for a serious tournament match.

Would you train this way for an OTB tournament?
What else would you do to increase mental stamina?
not every move in a chess game is a puzzle. if you treat it that way, you will likely lose on time easily.

most chess games will just have a few critical moves that are 'puzzle-like'. a key point is having the skill or intuition to know when to switch from 'regular moves' mode to 'puzzle mode', when to give up looking for tactics and just make a move, and when to go back to 'regular mode' and just convert an advantage to a win.

doing a bunch of puzzles as preparation can be a good idea...just make sure its not giving you mental fatigue before the tourny even starts. i would probably do less and just use it as a warm up.

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