
How to become a acm

#1 @UnknownSecretPlayer I dont know *all the openings with proper lines* even no one knows all openings with proper lines and by OP's question I am assuming that he asked eligibility of becoming an ACM
#11 @Dreaming-Dreams @ChessEnthusiast79 if the situation is so, then Eligibility is (any one of the following):
1. Reach 2000 rating.
2. Beat arimakat in his simul.
3. Win the monthly arena organised by @changeopening for lower categories.
4. Get 5+ points in LiAntichess WC Stage 3.
5. Get in top 5 of LiAntichess WC Stage 1.
Bro there are more than 900 million variation in antichess ..
My meaning to learn openings was that to do not make opening blunders which result in mate that means at least 3 moves in opening which are safe....

If a player plays d3 then it's completely loss ... i was telling to prevent this type of mistakes...
If you don't belive me ask @SarangSule ...
In general, if you want to get better, play lines you enjoy and play frequently, recognizing recurring mistakes and adapting.
I see a lot of people on this thread think that the fact that there are over 900 million variations or whatever in anti matters. It doesn't. First off, a majority of those variations are obviously losing. Second off, there's really only around 10-20 openings that are played frequently, unless you play very low rated players or someone like esko who plays weird lines (don't worry I still love you esko). Like very few people are going to play b4, or g4 so all of the lines following those are irrelevant. I would focus more on understanding the midgame and endgame rather than openings (ofc you have to learn some opening basics before attempting anything else). If you're so focused on getting an ACM or title, learn the basic openings for e3, c4, and maybe b3 or g3. After that just analyze every single one of your games, like Pinni, and you'll start seeing tactics and wins. Or, if you want the cheap way, just queen race a bunch and follow the queen racing rules and hope you win. :P
Hopefully i didn't repeat what somebody else said cuz i didn't read the first page of this forum thread lol. Also if anyone thinks I said something wrong or wants to add something feel free to debate with me. Though, as I am never ever wrong, I don't think anyone can argue with me hehe. If I'm not online somebody from the discord can argue for me :D

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