
Proposing the Banishment of the North Korean flag.

Everyone knows that has banished the Russian flag. But some people live in Russia and just wants to sign that for others, complete the profile, answering correctly, or even like their country, but not the war that has occured.

I am questioning myself: Why does the North Korean flag even appears on the website, since everyone knows that internet is completely blocked there and no one can play on

Some people uses the North Korean flag as a political joke, that's why my proposal of removing it from the website.

No one that lives in North Korea is allowed to access the internet, or use this site.
No flag of any country should be banned. Even in countries ruled by dictators it represents for a lot of people the affection for their country.
North Korean defectors exist and there could be older North Koreans who fled when there were lighter travel restrictions.
Banning a flag is not a good idea. banned the Russian flag because the government under that flag got into conflicts. If it works like that, then all the countries in the world which got into conflicts with each other must be banned.

That's a red flag.
By that ideology, then the flag in question should be banned.
If the Russian flag is banned due to war, why shouldn't the North Korean flag be banned? You are aware they have been trying to launch missiles at us?
And don't say that lichens,, and other companies only banned the Russian flag because Russia banned its citizens from using the said website because North Koreans don't have access to the Internet like the rest of us, in fact, they are only allowed to use government approved websites, and that's a very short list.
Just sharing my opinion on this important issue.
Also, a chess website (or app) is NOT the best place to discuss this, nor is any social media platform.
@CDRED said in #6:
> By that ideology, then the flag in question should be banned.
> If the Russian flag is banned due to war, why shouldn't the North Korean flag be banned? You are aware they have been trying to launch missiles at us?
> And don't say that lichens,, and other companies only banned the Russian flag because Russia banned its citizens from using the said website because North Koreans don't have access to the Internet like the rest of us, in fact, they are only allowed to use government approved websites, and that's a very short list.
> Just sharing my opinion on this important issue.
> Also, a chess website (or app) is NOT the best place to discuss this, nor is any social media platform.
Would you mind pointing me to the CDRED approved discussion zone?
@salmon_rushdie said in #7:
> Would you mind pointing me to the CDRED approved discussion zone?
Your mind. Have the conversation with yourself, then reach out in a private email to the team that runs said website.
@weplaychess90 said in #1:
> Everyone knows that has banished the Russian flag. But some people live in Russia and just wants to sign that for others, complete the profile, answering correctly, or even like their country, but not the war that has occured.
> I am questioning myself: Why does the North Korean flag even appears on the website, since everyone knows that internet is completely blocked there and no one can play on
> Some people uses the North Korean flag as a political joke, that's why my proposal of removing it from the website.
> No one that lives in North Korea is allowed to access the internet, or use this site.

You better be kidding about your post! Our supreme leader won't be happy if you speak against any of North Korea.

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