
The middle game in chess - Znosko Borovsky

Hey everyone, I just need help. If anybody who had read this book , could you help me with the notations used to explain the diagrams and figures . I'm having a lot of trouble understanding the notations.

- =moves to
x =takes

The notation devides the board into files based on the standart position of the pieces. The h (a)-file is called Rook file for instance. When two pieces can go the same square you have the Queens side and King's side pieces.

Let's imagine Rooks on h1 (KR (King's Rook)) and a1 (QR (Queen's Rook)) and you want to move one to e1 (K1 (King 1)). That would be KR-K1 i you want to the take the h1-Rook or QR-K1 for the a1-Rook.

When the Rooks want to move to c1, it wouldn't be Q(or K)R-B1, but Q(or K)R-QB1 (Queen's Bishop 1).

Lastly the numbers:
White and Black don't share the same numbers. 1 Is the first row if it's white to move, but 1 is also the 8th row i it's Black to move.
For example: 1.KP-e4 (e4) KP-e4 (e5) 2.Kn-KB3 (Nf3) Kn-QB3 (Nc6)
You're welcome:
I would suggest you to read chess fundamentals by Capablanca. It's free in the old notation.
It is the descriptive notation, that was used in the USA and in the UK as opposed to the algebraic notation used in Europe.

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