
How do you pace out your time ?

Playing effectively (with more depth), works with long time controls.
Playing efficiently (with less depth), works with short time controls.

Play effectively first.

A player also needs to be aware of how fast they can complete a game. Knowing our limits is important. Discover your limits:

If a players max speed is 10 pieces in 30 seconds, what time controls should they be avoiding ?

Priority to checkmate vs Result to win by the clock

How do you pace out your moves ?
A man needs to rely on his instincts .. I only go really crazy on analysis during a Correspondence game, at Live Chess I spend at most 30 seconds per move, in order to cut the time my opponent may ponder over the position as short as possible, and to provide myself with an entertaining game.
If I am playing a 60 minutes checkmate + 30 sec increment / move, I will assume I have 60 minutes to play out 40 moves. The 30 seconds is my extra bonus time.
If the numbers are not already bold, I will circle on my score sheet the numbers 10, 20, 30 and move 40 and sometimes put the time I expect to have that move done beside it. When I reach that move I cross it off and put the actual time I played that move. The circles are there to pace out my game.

If I am falling behind my time schedule, I will play what I pondered. So that my move is done immediately after my opponents expected move. That normally puts me back on schedule.

15 minutes at move 10; (Opening)
30 minutes at move 20; (Middle game)
45 minutes at move 30; and (Horizon of end game)
60 minutes at move 40. (End game)

Some times when I realize the game is going to last longer than 40 moves, I increase my pace.

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