
Recent increase in engine use?!

AlphaZero is a logarithm created by DeepMind to play 3 board games; chess,go and shogi. There are no evaluation functions, no tablebases in the "traditional" sense of chess engine programming by humans. Most likely it will never make another move. Certainly no software is ever to be developed for commercial use as a chess program. It was a demonstration of "machine learning". A very powerful and impressive one. A0 I suppose could be called an "engine" in a limited sense because it is a computer program, but it is nothing like all previous methods of programming board games.

You know that cheaters dont just input moves from one window to another window anymore and that cheat programs just draw a line on the board over what the best move is, right? That's why they can come up with inaccuracies, almost losing, then cheat and play 10 top two moves and get back to winning. That can be done in 15s games.
I can not believe that anyone can use a program while playing 2 minute or less ... but I do not have enough experience to have certainties about the programs and their use
@mdinnerspace Great! I didn't knew that. Let the cheaters burn energy on their silicon monsters. Let the regular players enjoy the game. :)

complaining about cheater is more or less useless ..
there will be always cheaters, even on Anyway even if you loose some ratings points you will be refund, cheaters are always detected, sooner or later
#24 cheating is easy on any time control, and #26 absolutely not. Most will be caught once or twice, then realize how to easily evade and rarely will be caught after that.
Oh please indeed. Besides, as you should know, YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO DO THAT ON THE FORUMS.
Easy to avoid?
Not so.
Moves speak for themselves. Chess moves are not "faked" to avoid detection. Inaccuracies, mistakes get tossed in when clearly winning, making detection a bigger challenge. But the Team is up for it. Data is collected, every move is stored, metrics get established. The foolish new players who are obvious get flagged quickly. Others who "discriminate" take longer to detect, but detection is not easily "evaded". That is simply an uninformed shout.

LOL. > even on (just so happens CC is well known to be the assisted players biggest hangout.) Detection is extremely slow, outdated methods, all cases take days, enforcement is lax, members asked to make a public apology not to do it again... yea> right.

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