
Carlsen the Genius is now Married!!!

@ELO5287 said in #30:
No I do not believe so; and I will be curious to know exactly the numbers.

In my country it's about 50/50. But in India, it's 97% of marriages that never get divorced. (Probably this number is too high, and many women of course wish to be free of marriage but are unable to. And the times are changing.)

But in terms of actual and simple numbers; with a population of 1.4 billion people, India alone would perforce sway the number away from a majority of marriages ending in divorce. (And of course these are averages; the life expectancy and so forth.)

Besides this aspect, I do believe America is on the much higher end of world's averages; later I will check- which country has the actual highest; what the worldwide average is, if it's been figured; and also what China's rate of divorce is. But all factors included; I believe it is positive that the numbers are on the higher side for not being divorced.
"In 2022, using the available data on marriage and divorce, the rate was 1.6 per 1,000 people. Many countries' data on the number of divorces for 2023 is pending, but based on the collected data for 56 countries, the average crude divorce rate in the world was about 1.8 per 1,000 people in 2023." 2022%2C using the available,per 1%2C000 people in 2023.

Ah, higher than I thought. Makes sense when realizing that not all of Americans get married in their lives. (And only one source, of course, to be 100% accurate more sources should be looked at it but it seems pretty clean.) archipelagic paradise is world,country of time in history.

Hmmmm.... Maldives, heh, has the highest divorce rate of the world. (Not particularly important, just making sure we weren't the highest! Heh.)

"The archipelagic paradise is world renowned for its tropical beaches and a diverse marine ecosystem, but seldom associated with divorce. Not only did the Maldives have the highest divorce rate in the world in 2021, but it also has the highest divorce rate of any country of time in history."

• • •

Okay, yeah, so China does definitely... Man, unbelievably low divorce rate, comparable to India. This makes sense, and of course helps explain the 1.8 out of 1,000 statistic for world wide divorce rates. of 2023%2C the divorce,been constantly increasing since 2002.

"As of 2023, the divorce rate in China decreased to 2.6 divorces per 1,000 inhabitants. Before 2020, this number had been constantly increasing since 2002."

I agree in countries where women are not oppressed divorce rates would be much higher. That kind of goes to prove the point. There are many reasons for not getting a divorce other than happiness. There is embarrassment, financial reasons or just being stuck in rut. We all get stuck doing the same old thing sometimes even though it's making us unhappy. People are creatures of habit and have a familiarity bias and often stay in the same pattern of behavior just because it's what they know, even though it's not good for them.
So with all those reasons NOT to get a divorce the fact that so many people still do says a lot to me. But I don't need numbers to see the unhappiness on the faces of people who's marriage is going badly. And I've seen it time and time again.
Far be it from me to offer strategic advice to the greatest chessplayer in the world today, but if I may just say:

That is one queen you should never sacrifice, sir.

My congratulations to you both! <3
I watched her interview on chessbase India. He did good - one helluva catch !!
@morphyms1817 said in #36:
> watched

Agreed, yep! And they seem to be very much in love. I can't find the video now but one time he met her after a game and she was just bouncing and dancing basically, and of course you can see pure bliss in his face.

Good vibes all around. :)
Now the Magnus action figure line is going to be forced to expand and add new features
Next year we will welcome Caissa Carlsen or Magnus Junior :)