
Continue the story 2!

Magnus Carlsen challenges everybody for a chess game, who defeats him, wins a carrot farm.
nobody defeats him,After that Magnus runs for president,he becomes the president of Norway
But little does he know Hikaru Nakamura, the president of America started a war with Norway the next second.
Magnus and Nakamura did a peace agreement to join forces against Garry Kasparov: the new president of Russia.
He released another nuke, which destroyed the whole country of Norway
in his dream,he woke up and thought abaut his dream and how brutal it would be if he actually nuked Norway,kasparov resigned from presidency and started a foundation against using nuclear bombs
but then capabanca was revived by the revive stone which brings back dead people(from harry potter)then he beated kasparov after beating him in an dead equal endgame and kasparov got furious

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