
What is your favorite social media platform

Social Media in general is just stupid in my opinion. Sure, use it to keep in touch with people you know, but getting bombarded with so much content every time a person logs on is just absurd- its addictive.
Stay away from Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Make friends IRL instead, its waaay better and exponentially more fulfilling when it comes to socialization in general.
Most forms of entertainment are stupid in general. Nobody wants to study or work all the time.
I personally would do I.R.L. @SGG-172 but COVID and restrictions have a problem with that so social media is the next best thing ok and it’s not stupid it’s genius getting to talk with people when ever where ever ok. And people bombarding content who said that you have to read it all and it’s only addictive If you make it addicting ok.
Sure, I suppose it's a decent alternative now that COVID has hindered our daily lives, but by no means is it ideal.
And while it may be genius in concept, its pretty rare that I see a great post on Instagram, just repetitive content like memes,
or "Reels" which is just discount TikTok.
Plus, you don't NEED social media to talk to people- from my experience, WhatsApp works just fine.
And please tone down with the repetitive use of "ok", it just makes the post readability worse, and sounds pretty aggressive.
@SGG-172 you are right but you are going by the normal definition of social media platform and not the one I stated in my first message.

If you did state and standard or a definition, it was pretty unclear to me.

All you said was, social media includes things like LiChess, which does not have social media, rather, it has forums.
A forum has dialogue between users centered around a particular topic- in this case;
"What is your favorite Social Media Platform"

A social media platform on the other hand is made to entertain and form some sort of personal connection between users;
it has people connect though stuff like personality, interests and stuff.
On social media, I get sieged by memes and celebrity accounts every time I log on, whereas in a forum, I can read through a few interesting topics, and maybe comment on a few I find interesting.

Idk tho, that's just my take on it. In my experience, forums in sites like LiChess are far better than sites like Facebook and Instagram.

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