
the longest russian/german/french/italian word

@Nomen-Nonatur said in #20:
> @obladie is not boasting at all - he is by far the smartest person ever. He even said so, therefore it must be true. Whoever disagrees has no idea about the topic and mentions only irrelevant facts which are russian misinformation and communist propaganda.
> Look at #18 - he even knows how to set apart quotes and his own text better than you.
Thats not my point.
My point is that he always (seriously) scolds people who wants to get attention.
Plus, he always say "kid" which is offensive to everyone who is not a kid.
Kids are only 8 years below.
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@Nomen-Nonatur said in #22:
> (This is not russian disinformation but communist propaganda and because he found nothing to critisize it is irrelevant.)

Wow... now it's five known Obladie file-keepers.
I bet no one else has that many users here who care enough about them to keep records of their every utterance. And obviously cross-referenced and date-stamped too. Explains why you don't have time to get a real life going.

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