
Mbappé or Haaland?

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11 goals in farmers league vs 18 goals in actual football league
This thread made me feel incredibly old for some strange reason...
Whatever happened to Messi vs Ronaldo?

Alas, if only the kingdom of Denmark–Norway was still united, we would dominate the coming of the world cup.
Imagine what a combined Denmark–Norway football team could achieve, with a striker such as Haaland on our side.

That being said, both are amazingly talented.
And if either one would ever apply for a Danish citizenship, I personally would welcome them with cookies and coffee.

Anyway, I will watch Mbappé on November 26th, until then, I respectfully hope he would develop a clubfoot.
Depends honestly Mbappe has prestige with a World cup win, Halland will find it very difficult to match that given the circumstances.
About the farmers league claim in regards to ligue 1 ; frankly speaking given the talent in both squads of PSG and Man City both teams are basically farming the league.
Don't know who these are and don't care. Also it's called "Soccer" not "fououtboull."
@Neco_Arc_Lurking said in #7:
> Don't know who these are and don't care. Also it's called "Soccer" not "fououtboull."
No it's called football. Soccer is a term used by a bunch of backwards primitive people that, for some mysterious reason, think they're somehow better than the rest of the world.
@DrTourdy said in #8:
> No it's called football. Soccer is a term used by a bunch of backwards primitive people that, for some mysterious reason, think they're somehow better than the rest of the world.

That's because we are. Stay mad, stay irrelevant. The only reason the States is the country everyone talks about, whether positive or negative, is that the States is the only country worth talking about. It is "soccer" not "fouououououtbouououll."

Also today is Saturday, my dedicated day to release my toxic and negative energy for the empaths to feel across all media.
@Neco_Arc_Lurking said in #9:
> The only reason the States is the country everyone talks
What states? I have no idea what you're talking about.

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