
Lichess is a propaganda platform

<Comment deleted by user>
@Katzenschinken said in #17:
> A statement against war is "lowest propaganda"? Maybe you should ask yourself if it was YOU who fell for propaganda.
Yes, what source is correct is debatable. After all, we can comfortably say there are no neutral news in conflicts.
> Vielleicht tuste dich ja mit dem Mauerbauer zusammen. Ihr zwei seid schon ein herziges Duo.
Ich verstehe die Aussage so, dass es Menschen im Westen gibt, die sich wünschen, dass wir die Bauarbeiter dieser Website versammeln, um eine Mauer zu bauen, ja? Mir ist nicht bekannt, dass solche Absichtsn bestehen, zumal die Bauarbeiter, die mir bekannt sind, vollstes mit Arbeiten beschäftigt sind, wodurch ihre Arbeitskraft voll ausgenutzt wird, voll eingesetzt wird. NIEMAND HAT DIE ABSICHT, EINE MAUER ZU ERRICHTEN. Ich habe bereits mehrfach betont, ich bin für ein Gespräch beider Seiten, nur so kann eine langzeitige,eine stabile Lösung gefunden werden.
Jokes aside,
Hab schon versucht, mich zu teamen, hat leider nur bedingt funktioniert. Sind alle aus ungenannten (mir nicht bekannten) Gründen gesperrt worden. I at least did not use any offending words... So that is why I am still annoying you.

@obladie said in #21:
> @absicht_MAUERzuBAUEN said in #16
> Sometimes I really get tired of writing such things...
> The civil war was an attempt to erase the russians living in eastern Ukraine.
Okay, I agree, I used the incorrect word. The Civil War was the escalation of the attempt to erase russians living in Ukraine, a consequence.
> Ugh.: this 'democracy' tries to get rid of it's minorities. Then you cannot blame them for arming themselves. And then the ball got rolling. The Ukrainian government forbid the arming of their citizens living in the east.
> This is blatant mis-information. It is to be hoped that it will be curtailed.
Then what is right? If I am wrong, then please correct me. Why else should I make it so blatant? (jk/irony...)
@absicht_MAUERzuBAUEN said in #23:
> Yes, what source is correct is debatable. After all, we can comfortably say there are no neutral news in conflicts.

Every journalist has his own biases. But this doesn't mean all news can be equally discarded and that what is right completely is a matter of personal taste. If for instance someone has a certain tendency to make apologies for the inhumane actions of dictators - be it Stalin or be it Putin - I find that just disgusting.

> Ich verstehe die Aussage so, dass es Menschen im Westen gibt, die sich wünschen, dass wir die Bauarbeiter dieser Website versammeln, um eine Mauer zu bauen, ja?

You are reading too much into the "Mauerbauer". I simply wanted to shorten your nick a bit.

> I at least did not use any offending words... So that is why I am still annoying you.

That's not what is annoying about your comments.
the civil war was provoked by the US fomenting a coup against the democratically elected president of Ukraine in 2014. the foremost figure in that drama was Victoria Nuland, who recently admitted that the US, in tandem with the Ukrainian government it is backing, has been running biolabs that research toxins. they claim it is for "defensive purposes". uh huh. the anthrax that the US lied about during the runup to the Iraq war, claiming it was produced by Saddam when it in fact been produced by the US itself. the script remains the same. everybody that questioned this at the time was smeared as a Saddam supporter, much like anybody that questions the narrative that this is all the fault of a genocidal dictator who wants to reinstate the Soviet Union is smeared as a Putin apologist. and will continue to be, until the war is over. China is not on board with this, and neither is India. think about why that might be. China blames the US for this conflict more than Russia, and it is correct. many foreign policy experts within the US itself have been predicting this response by Russia to NATO's relentless expansion toward its borders, and lo it has happened. but a lot of people are going to keep ignoring that because it does not fit in with what they see on tv.
@absicht_MAUERzuBAUEN said in #16:
> Sometimes I really get tired of writing such things...

Yes, it is tiring to be wrong I would guess.

> The civil war was an attempt to erase the russians living in eastern Ukraine.

This is insane.

> Well yes, if you say the Crimea thing is an 'invasion' only because of Russia, then sure, everything is indeed dumb. But if we cannot even agree on the basics, then how can we discuss anything?

We can’t agree on the basics because you can’t accept basic facts apparently. How is the “crimea thing” not an invasion? Russian troops entered crimea and they literally annexed it.

> Okay, so because they do not represent the majority of people living in Ukraine, they should be killed and bombed and arrested, right? The first agressive move was made by the Ukrainians, how it continued is not important.

Is this what anyone said? That they should be killed? No. Just that this “civil war” is a problem that was manufactured by Russian in the first place. First aggressive move was clearly not made by Ukraine.

It’s not that hard to understand what’s happening in Ukraine. People are being killed for no reason due to Russia’s insane dictator.
If US foreign policy experts like George Kennan, Henry Kissinger and John Mearsheimer (none of them friends of Putin btw) question NATO's decades long expansion on the grounds it would provoke Russian retaliation, and major countries like China and India refuse to vote for sanctioning Russia, you might just want to reconsider unconditionally supporting the US and NATO in this.
@Katzenschinken said in #24:
> Every journalist has his own biases. But this doesn't mean all news can be equally discarded and that what is right completely is a matter of personal taste.
Yeah, that is why Germany and a lot of other western countries have blocked Russian news. And Chinese news as well.
> If for instance someone has a certain tendency to make apologies for the inhumane actions of dictators - be it Stalin or be it Putin - I find that just disgusting.
Your opinion. Also I never said it was humane. Only that it was the consequence of what happened before.
> You are reading too much into the "Mauerbauer". I simply wanted to shorten your nick a bit.
That was a joke, as the sentence structure is the same as the one Ulbricht said.
> That's not what is annoying about your comments.
Then what is?

@hendrixmaine said in #26:
> Yes, it is tiring to be wrong I would guess.
You only need to ask yourself, no need to guess.
> This is insane.
K. I wrote something to this in my former post.
> We can’t agree on the basics because you can’t accept basic facts apparently. How is the “crimea thing” not an invasion? Russian troops entered crimea and they literally annexed it.
You missed the point they had a referendum on whether they should join, right? Yes, I am sorry you only hear one side of a conflict.
> Is this what anyone said? That they should be killed? No. Just that this “civil war” is a problem that was manufactured by Russian in the first place. First aggressive move was clearly not made by Ukraine.
Then what is the first move? The special operation? Then you miss the whole view. I do so too, but it is impossible to get every fact in these days. It really only depends on how much information you consider, and you only consider one. The one America wants you to see.
> It’s not that hard to understand what’s happening in Ukraine. People are being killed for no reason due to Russia’s insane dictator.
Yes, but it is hard to understand why they are. Try to think, who benefits from this conflict?
Also, if you just see conflicts as a 'right' and a 'wrong' side, then you make the same mistake I have made a few months ago

I agree with @pretzelattack1 , in every mentioned aspect.
Here is a fact check from the BBC on the supposed bioweapons labs in Ukraine and the U.S. involvement in them:

The sites reporting this as fact are conservative blogs and the official website of TASS. The supposed weapons labs are in fact public health labs, and some have received funding from the US, EU & WHO to reduce the threat of dangerous diseases. What a strange world we live in where some conservatives are aligned with a former KGB autocrat of a country with increasingly restricted political freedom.

It will be interesting to see what evidence the Kremlin will bring to support these allegations.
@EmaciatedSpaniard # 30
Why is the US counteracting dangerous diseases where they never existed? Not surprisingly, many people doubt the veracity of this explanation.

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