
MAGA celebrates Trump's dumbest Tariffs

@Mrchess78 said in #30:
> Oh it certainly has got through, as it was they who discovered it, enormous amounts of taxpayers money being wasted both at home and abroad which has apparently been going on for years,

And it doesn't concern you one bit that Musk who claims to have found billions and tens of billions of waste couldn't show any of that waste on request? And despite his inability to prove his claims you still are ventilating that lie?

> it will obviously take time to reep the benefits of these findings, being that Trumps only been in for six weeks.

How can Musk claim having found billions of waste when he can't show where these are? How in the world can anyone fall for this BS?

And do you know who is reaping the 'benefits'? Musk whose companies have contracts with the Government worth billions and billions of Dollars. And who in a brazen violation of any conflict of interest rules fired government workers who were tasked with overseeing Musk's companies, for instance in the FAA.

Seems to be of no concern either to you.

> Plus some tariffs are also about preventing "Fentanyl" getting into America,

That's simply horse crap. The Fentanyl that is fueling the opioid crisis is nearly exclusively coming from illegal sources and smuggled into the United States. The effect that tariffs are going to have on the illegal Fentanyl inflow will be exactly zero.
@da_loser said in #1:
> While blonde "Messiah" in the White House cozies up with war criminal Putin and threatens and attacks friends and allies around the world, the MAGA Monkeys jump over themselves in the Acacia trees devouring red bananas.
> Well, it's Pay Day, tree dwellers. "Dad" Trump's tariffs on Canada and Mexico are deployed! (and more are to come!)
> Inflation goes up, cost of living up, the stock already down 1300 points, industrial production slows and plants close,
> jobs get lost...
> "Phantastic job, Blonde!"
When Stonks go down that's good you buy when it's LLOW and sell when it's high.
Stop spreading negitiveividy.
@Katzenschinken said in #31:
> And it doesn't concern you one bit that Musk who claims to have found billions and tens of billions of waste couldn't show any of that waste on request? And despite his inability to prove his claims you still are ventilating that lie?
> How can Musk claim having found billions of waste when he can't show where these are? How in the world can anyone fall for this BS?
> And do you know who is reaping the 'benefits'? Musk whose companies have contracts with the Government worth billions and billions of Dollars. And who in a brazen violation of any conflict of interest rules fired government workers who were tasked with overseeing Musk's companies, for instance in the FAA.
> Seems to be of no concern either to you.
> That's simply horse crap. The Fentanyl that is fueling the opioid crisis is nearly exclusively coming from illegal sources and smuggled into the United States. The effect that tariffs are going to have on the illegal Fentanyl inflow will be exactly zero.

Are you an insider?, as you seem to know for sure exactly what's apparently going on everywhere in America right now and what Elon has found and not found, maybe they cannot show the fraud until it can be legally proved without doubt, I don't know! , and the Tariffs help prevent Fentynol by more incentive for other countries to police their borders more effectively, I think that is the idea. :).
@Mrchess78 said in #33:
> Are you an insider?

LOL, no. I just listen to what Musk has to say where he found his billions and tens of billions of wasted money. Which until now is not much.

Or which method do YOU apply in order to find out if Musk is telling the truth?
@ThunderClap said in #22:
> @Katzenschinken Trump's FACIST USA ... Amazing how horrible Trump is doing the last 6 weeks & for that matter his whole life

It's amazing how passively Americans just lets him destroy their country.

Georgia are having huge demonstrations for a month. South Korea dealt with their wannabe dictator in like a week.

Some years ago in Belarus people were taking beatings from secret police in order to demonstrate.

Americans just doing nothing. Just watching their country burn down.

It's so strange, but I guess Americans all just care for themselves but not for their country and this is why they're so meek and docile.
@Katzenschinken said in #34:
> LOL, no. I just listen to what Musk has to say where he found his billions and tens of billions of wasted money. Which until now is not much.
> Or which method do YOU apply in order to find out if Musk is telling the truth?

Well, I don't know for sure what's going on there, I have to rely on what I see and hear, like most others.
I don't even live in America, but I see and hear alot of very positive things from there right now. :).
@Mrchess78 said in #36:
> Well, I don't know for sure what's going on there, I have to rely on what I see and hear, like most others.
> I don't even live in America, but I see and hear alot of very positive things from there right now. :).

Some guys here really speak and write for themselves in order to keep up their frustration over democracy!
Why not listening to the people in republican townhalls which are taking place across the country since more than a week??

The vast backlash against cutting public services and Musk's illegal access to personal data of US-citizen is growing.
That's NOT Trump got elected for!!
Yesterday the GOP leadership was forced, to recommend canceling local townhalls and turn to virtual meetings,

about tariffs: a trade war has absolutely nothing to do with border security and fighting drug smuggling!
(and by the way, less than 1% of all Fentanyl entering the US is coming through the border with Canada , according to
officials on both sides).
@da_loser said in #38:
> Some guys here really speak and write for themselves in order to keep up their frustration over democracy!
> Why not listening to the people in republican townhalls which are taking place across the country since more than a week??
> The vast backlash against cutting public services and Musk's illegal access to personal data of US-citizen is growing.
> That's NOT Trump got elected for!!
> Yesterday the GOP leadership was forced, to recommend canceling local townhalls and turn to virtual meetings,
> about tariffs: a trade war has absolutely nothing to do with border security and fighting drug smuggling!
> (and by the way, less than 1% of all Fentanyl entering the US is coming through the border with Canada , according to
> officials on both sides).

Like I say, I know nothing for sure about all the various things we've all mentioned, and of course I appreciate people being passionate about a subject they care about, that's their right.
The only reason I get involved in discussions such as this topic, is it broadens my view of various things by hearing different perspectives. :).
Here we are...!

Trump's Tariff Nonsense:

right now the WH announced a One-Month-Exemption for cars coming out from Mexico and Canada!

The automobile industry must have whispered some facts into the ears of idiot Trump.
His policy is: first destroy, second "let's see what happens"

Let's see, what are the next "exemptions"