
Any black defense against all white openings (beginners question)

It's almost always best as a beginner to start out with "Classical openings". Doesn't matter what as long as they are sound and you have little theory to figure out. GM Igor Smirnov claims the best for beginners are openings where there is little tactical tension at the start.

An example of this is the Sicilian. The best Sicilian to start out with is the Kan. Because it has very little theory to know and it has very little forcing variations based on tactical tension. Whereas the worst opening to look at for beginners is the Najdorf. Where you effectively need to know pretty much every wrinkle in the opening just to survive. Pick something easy. Then focus on principled chess.
I quite like the Torre setup for any defense against 1 d4. Also the London system is very popular among d4 players.
The Hippo. You can make the first 10 moves without much thinking and your goal is to get the same formation after these 10 moves; i.e. both B's get fianchettoed, both N's are in the center in front of K and Q, six pawns are out, etc.
You can hold off a GM for 30 to 35 moves before he could mate you. After the 10th move, you can go on the offense and attack.
you need know g6 varition ( or g6 systems)

ıf your opponent plays b3 I prefer d5 g6 varition is rare varition ( bb2 Nf6 Bxf6 theory )
but you are beginner don't play g6
If there were any such defense, everyone would be playing it, so it would be easy to identify. There is no magical solution, only hard work.
1. ... Nc6 . It is tricky but at least you get some surprise effect. 😉

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