
time out

Lichess keeps getting me opponents either with 100 points rate higher or 100 points lower than me when playing rapid and when I abort the games, I get a time-out. Moreover, I get players with a (?) in their rating which means this is a new account, and most of the cases they cheat so I abort these games.
if you want to play with higher opponents click on: Create a Game down time control it has Rating rang - means how many rating you want to your opponent be lower, when it's 0 it means your opponent isn't higher then you.
+ is for how many rating your opponent be higher then you.
Yes, that’s not allowed, see the section about Fair Play Violations in the terms of service

You can use custom game seeks if you are unhappy with the opponents that you get matched with. But asking for a game and then aborting because you don’t like it is not acceptable.
I agree that aborting games is wrong.

I wonder though if the current algorithm can be improved.

Let's say you are searching within your range +/- 150.

If your rating happens to be around the starting level of 1500, you will get opponents all over the place (due to no rating), and you are facing much more problematic or unexperienced players than everyone else, which seems undesirable.

Maybe a minimum number of rated games could fix this issue and would be a sensible approach. After all, we also require this to participate in tournaments with rating limit.
@nadjarostowa said in #4:
> If your rating happens to be around the starting level of 1500, you will get opponents all over the place (due to no rating), and you are facing much more problematic or unexperienced players than everyone else, which seems undesirable.

for a couple of years now, players without rating have been paired with some random noise added to their initial rating, so that problem should not exist in that way. or rather, it should not be restricted to players who happen to be rated around 1500.

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