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@BulletStreamz @NewIndianChessPlayer they responded by saying: Thanks for the email! Your account has been deleted!

I'm pretty sure they wanted to say "F*** off we deleted your account" to me but they had to be nice to everyone at all times because they might give a negative review about chess,com.
bro banned me for cheating againast stockfish and as you see has won stockfish with 99 Accuracy and he is still not banned. and also it says Play Chess for Free on the #1 Site! when entering the URL however gives only the best benefits to members that members who PAY money. i give this site a 1 star and I do not recommend going or signing up on this site. Lichess is way better but there is only 1 thing bad about lichess,The premoves. I even sent a email and those stupid people never respond.

Yes I've seen the player who have 400 rating but beated stockfish 4 times consecutively as I've never won against this engine ,i can win against level 6 which is my best win and one of my hardest game ,but with more than 80 trackbacks 🤣 .So it's almost impossible to beat stockfish engine with blitz time control .They are very much biased and no freedom of speech . They closed my account for abuse as I've asked in a club that is this club is in lichess .

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