
Photon: is it a wave or a particle?

We were just talking in physics class about what a photon is. There are two theories: that it is a particle and that it is a wave.
Send your thoughts on what you think it is
It's a wavicle.
I mean it has aspects of both depending upon your experimental parameters .
If you're doing the double slit experiment it exhibits wave like properties whereas considering the photoelectric effect you might view it as a particle.
And again considering frequency and amplitude you could consider it a wave .
Some experiments involve a photon exchange or emission so you could consider it a particle.

So,a wavicle.

Btw if we get lucky Thalassokrator will weigh in.
I agree with you, I think the photon is wavicle
photon is particle that's why as light it can't escape the black hole..
& is wave for the way it spread in the void..
I personally believe them to be 23 dimensional rivets, wrought by Hephaistos.
Why again does nothing travel faster than light? And if the universe were finite, what happens if it hits the outer edge of the universe?
@Dukedog honestly I speculate some users on Lichess, intentionally write something they know fundamentally know isn't true.
Just so that Thalassokrator, he would feel triggered to come along, and write a thesis on why they are incorrect.
And then just copy/paste, along with a few rewrites to make it original, every argument Thalassokrator disputes.
Why use a chat AI, filled with errors, when we could more easily just use Thalassokrator's critical thinking and sources?

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