
analysis engine

A question to can I ask the analysis engine to indicate (with signs !!) the best moves in a game I've played? If so, how can I do it? Thank you.
use the arrows. The biggest one shows the best move. So look at the move before a move and see
> Sorry I don’t think you can
It's true, I can't. thank you.
@myoung11 said in #2:
> Sorry I don’t think you can
It's true, I can't. thank you.
@The_Greek_Gift19 said in #3:
> use the arrows. The biggest one shows the best move. So look at the move before a move and see
@The_Greek_Gift19 said in #3:
> use the arrows. The biggest one shows the best move. So look at the move before a move and see
yes, that's what i do. I just wanted to know if there was a way to see the good moves marked with signs, as the errors appear. but no, you can't. thank you.
@TotalNoob69 said in #4:
> Can you explain more what you mean? Maybe I can help out.
I just wanted to know if there was a way to see the good moves marked with signs, as the mistakes appear. but no, you can't. thank you.

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