
Is it possible to switch back to Lichess v1?

Well, I guess I am done here, off to another site, I guess. The only reason why I like this site is the warm, perfectly-placed designs, font, colors, board size and layout, and now it's taken away from us, "gone", "forever", "never to be seen again". What a sad case of trying to fix something that isn't broken.
#9 #11 As Lovlas says, constructive feedback is welcome. But asking for V1 as in #9 isn't the answer... having made a site accessible to millions of new players, we'll certainly keep an open mind about desktop and mobile usability going forward

"The XY problem is a communication problem encountered in help desk and similar situations in which the real issue, X, of the person asking for help is obscured, because instead of asking directly about issue X, they ask how to solve a secondary issue, Y, which they believe will allow them to resolve issue X. However, resolving issue Y often does not resolve issue X, or is a poor way to resolve it, and the obscuring of the real issue and the introduction of the potentially strange secondary issue can lead to the person trying to help having unnecessary difficulties in communication and offering poor solutions."

That all said, there was one aspect of V1 I did like better than V2 but overall V2 feels easier to use and doesn't have the hamburger menu.
The real issue (x) is that V2 doesn't look as good on a desktop browser. I don't use mobile or app for lichess. I'm asking for options (as in setting configurations) to make the desktop ui the same as it was. Same look, proportions, colors, everything else. I'm not asking for v1.
@Fisp I still haven't seen a single paying lichess user saying they're so unhappy they're going to leave. Or even that they're unhappy. Just the ones who have been getting sometime for nothing, in some cases for over six months. Ah, well, so long old friend!
Maybe the fact is that the site was too attractive and there were too many users. Now it is fixed.

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