
Searching for solid black openings !

Good evening you great chess lovers !

I am preparing for real life tournaments at the moment and have settled for a standard London as white. Loving it.
Are there any similiar openings for black ? I would love to play something solid !
Thanks for you suggestions :) <3
I personally like the Pirc/Modern/KID as 3 very similar openings pertaining to 1. E4 and 1. D4 respectively. Between the three, I can quickly and easily develop a strong castle with firm counterattacking opportunities prepared at the same time.

Not exactly London-esc, I missed that my first read through of your post, sorry about that
Caro-Kann. Hard to breach and very few natural weaknesses in the pawn structure.
The caro kann or french, those are the first that come to mind when someone mentions "solid" against e4, I would suggest to play both for a few games and see which one fits best. As black against d4 I play wild stuff, so I wont suggest anything as I lack knowledge in regards to anything solid.
e6 is a good response against e4 d4 and c4 / if they play anything else you can occupy the center with d5 or e5
Caro-Kann seems to be a very beautiful opening, a defensive one, against e4...

I know Alekhine's defence is not solid, it's tricky, and you can make a mistake, your opponent aswell. But I like it!
@Leon_Roemer - what are you currently playing as Black? Depending on how much time you have to prepare, you might be better off going with what you know.

If you like the London, I suggest learning the Slav as Black against 1.d4 as it shares many structural similarities, although the change in first move advantage does make a difference in initiative and theory.

Against 1.e4, many will recommend the Caro-Kann for London/Slav players because your pawns are generally in a similar setup, but the game is very different due to White's pawns being different (e4 and d4 vs. d4 and c4). It is a great opening though and you might still like it and find it easy to play. If not, then you can consider defenses like the French, Petroff, or possibly even the Sicilian Kan (understanding you only get to play the open Sicilian 1 in every 2 games or so).
i always play Rat defense, its not very popular and you can play positional later

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