
How long do other variants take to learn?

Talking of variants, is there some feature on lichess where one can learn the rules for each or maybe practice them? Some explanation as to what each variant involves would be good.
Learning them takes a few minutes, mastering them the whole life - like chess.
Each variant has its own page here:

960 is the closest to actual chess, 3-check and KotH a little different but similiar, Horde is weirder, then antichess, atomic and racing kings are just completely different.

To practice, play games, or train on this website by ProgramFOX:
It takes a while to be decent in one of the variants which kinda depends on how good you are in real chess, or what your background experience is.

After some hundreds of games copying the patterns you have seen other people use with success, there is no way you're not gonna improve.

Is it worth the effort?
-If you are having fun I think it is, as long as it is not making damage in your general chess skills (If you care about them), for example, if you have been playing a lot of crazyhouse and then in your classical games you're calculating what to do with pieces you don't have on the board, it might be counterproductive.

On the other hand, you could argue that there might be a good side of learning crazyhouse for your general chess, you practice a lot of tactics and maybe you get some skills in terms of imagination and creativity, there is not a final word.

You have to assess your interests, the pros and the cons and finally decide something about it.

Don't let anyone tell you what is the best, because it is just speculation, nobody really knows.

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