
post your best poem here.

In shadows they lurk, unseen,
Exploits waiting to be unleashed,
Zero-days, a hacker's dream,
Cloaked threats, yet unpatched.

Quietly they slip through cracks,
Undetected by watchful eyes,
Exposing systems to attacks,
A breach that takes all by surprise.

Code scrutinized, line by line,
Still some flaws remain obscured,
Until that fateful day they're mined,
And cyber havoc is incurred.

A race against time's cruel hands,
To find and fix before it's late,
Patching holes in digital lands,
Ere networks meet their darkened fate.

Zero-days, a constant dread,
Reminding us, no matter how skilled,
Perfection stays just steps ahead,
Vulnerabilities can't be fully willed.

Yet still we strive, our vigils keep,
Guarding digital realms we roam,
For in those zeros, dangers sleep,
Awaiting a chance to call them home.
I pinged my switch
it pinged back
we shared our hands
we acknowledged
our syns
and life goes on
@SlowBerserk said in #2:
> I pinged my switch
> it pinged back
> we shared our hands
> we acknowledged
> our syns
> and life goes on

HandShake lol, good 1
A handshake, once a simple gesture.Sealing deals with honor's vesture
Now fraught with rules and etiquette
Lest improper grip we regret..
Firm but not bone-crushing, please :D
A heartfelt shake is what we seize
Not a cold, limp offering of disdain but a warm connection we aim to gain. ; )
Sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler
So skibidi
So fanum tax
I just wanna be your sigma
i played chess today
as a new person i become everyday
i tryed a different aproach today
winning didnt matter but i did not want to lose
i drew the game and told everyone as if it was good news
its not like it was an important tournament game
im glad i wasnt upset and my oponent i hope felt the same
If you would learn anything,
learn it fully.
Shun partial learning;
favor simplicity.
For remember this:
ignorance is bliss . . .
but half an education
can destroy a whole nation;
and that rot, unconfined,
may infect the world in kind.

— “Half Knowledge”
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Stop cheating
Or you will be banned too

aaba pattern in this poem
@pinchpinpong said in #1:
> In shadows they lurk, unseen,
> Exploits waiting to be unleashed,
> Zero-days, a hacker's dream,
> Cloaked threats, yet unpatched.
> Quietly they slip through cracks,
> Undetected by watchful eyes,
> Exposing systems to attacks,
> A breach that takes all by surprise.
> Code scrutinized, line by line,
> Still some flaws remain obscured,
> Until that fateful day they're mined,
> And cyber havoc is incurred.
> A race against time's cruel hands,
> To find and fix before it's late,
> Patching holes in digital lands,
> Ere networks meet their darkened fate.
> Zero-days, a constant dread,
> Reminding us, no matter how skilled,
> Perfection stays just steps ahead,
> Vulnerabilities can't be fully willed.
> Yet still we strive, our vigils keep,
> Guarding digital realms we roam,
> For in those zeros, dangers sleep,
> Awaiting a chance to call them home.
Spotting the board,
sixty-four squares at a time,
wishing to win.

But that one square I missed...
Was a blunder.
Saw it no longer,
Going in crypted data
Numbers, zeros and ones,
In the database.

Victory is claimed!

This is a poem about a chess player who was afraid to lose but then hacked the database, and then won.

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