
What are the most common type of blunder you make?

-When I blunder a piece due to tactical reasons (the defending piece was pinned so it couldn't defend).
-When I realize that my piece was hanging after a big trade.
-When my piece was defending something, and the opponent sacrifices to get rid of that precious defender and you hang mate.
-When I'm focused on just one side of the board and missed the opportunity of gaining material because you was so focused
-When you're winning, you're up a piece but somehow you blunder back, get tilt and ragequit.

What are the most common type of blunder you make?
I have a tendency to underestimate direct attacks against my castled king. Especially as Black in Caro Kann type positions. Always thinking that I don't have to waste tempi defending just yet, until I realize it is too late to defend.

While I know that two minor pieces are usually superior to a rook and a pawn I quite often make that unfavorable trade, always thinking that this time is an exception where it really is good. So far it was mostly good for my opponents.
Walking into a fork(like queen checking my king and attacking another piece in late middlegame)
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when there are 2 opponent moves to calculate and i calculate 1st move then instead of doing it complety i jump into 2nd than make a move and realizing i forgot to calculate 1st move complety 1 nano second later .... surprisingly i dont make this type of blunder in otb also it happpens usually when that 2nd move looks much more threateningg
As a teen, I was too aggressive and played like Tal. After an eighteen year break, I played too passively and materialistically. I wouldn't start any attack unless I saw the end. Now in my twilight, my vision, or lack of, causes all sorts of mistakes. A problem I've had throughout is impatience/boredom. After 20-25 moves in a classical TC, I lose interest and tend to shuffle pieces (play without a plan / just hope for a mistake).
I look at the board for 10 minutes or more, make my move and at that moment i recognize the mistake. ;)
Well I still suffer from tunnel vision and missing tactics.
Even stockfish is there saying, "MrChess, how did you manage to find that one losing blunder ?,.. i couldnt !".

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